

The Fantastic and Mundane Chronicles of an Aspiring Writer


November 2016

My Musings: Magic Binds by Ilona Andrews


The latest addition to the Kate Daniels’ series has everything that’s great about the series: suspense, humor, great fight scenes, and, of course, quality Kate and Curran time. Yet despite all of this, for some reason, this installment didn’t hold my attention as much as the previous ones. In short, I was able to put it down. For a while. Honestly, when I try to remember the basic plot I can recall a blur. To me, I guess, this book felt like a fill-in volume. Yes, Kate, seemingly out of nowhere can now hold her own against her father’s invincible power, but *spoiler* he still hasn’t been defeated by the end. Towards the middle, the pace was beginning to pick up and pieces were falling into place for an awesome battle scene at the end—which turned out to be way shorter than I expected, not mention drastically anticlimactic. Don’t get me wrong. Like I stated before, this book is still very much a part of the Kate Daniels’ series with the same charm as all the previous novels, and when I finally got into it, I couldn’t put it down. Still, something about it just seemed off to me. Maybe it was the short length or lack of substantial plot, I don’t know. With that being said, I’m still a fan of this series, and I will definitely be reading the next volume.

📚✔︎ Would recommend for fans of urban fantasy with action and romance

If I could summarize the book in three words: entertaining, but forgettable 

Check out the official summary of Magic Binds by Ilona Andrews on goodreads.

My rating (out of 5 stars): ★★★★


Given the all the raw emotions remaining from the election last night, I thought today would be a good day to share this quote with everyone.


Even darkness must pass. 

A new day will come. 

And when the sun shines 

it will shine out the clearer. 

-J.R.R. Tolkien 

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. -Albert Einstein


Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. 

-Albert Einstein 

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